Sunday, October 19, 2014

More cut arounds on the south face

Building on the success of last week, we again started doing cut outs on the two gas meters on the south side.  That took all day.  We started at 9:00 a.m. and finally by 6:00 p.m. got to the first row of normal boards.  While Rob was fiddling with the cut outs, I went up on the ladder on the north face, filling nail holes with silicone, and cleaning out the gutters at the same time.

But the excitement of the day was the opening of the second bundle of boards!  We had 240 boards delivered--120 on each pallet.  We finished the first pallet last week, and cracked into the second bundle today. 

Which means we are reducing the boards pile, which means I will be able to park in the garage hopefully sometime before the snow comes, as the boards are blocking access into the garage.  Yay!

Ascent of West Face--Oct 12

This blog is a week late, but it's not much fun to blog without being able to load pictures, so I'm not in a rush to upload.  One day it will get fixed...

So this was the Thanksgiving Day long weekend.  Rob came up on Thursday night, and started doing installation of lights on the west face on Friday while I was at work.  Then he started moving boards up past the window.  And then....we put up tyvek, framed the peak, and a bottom triangle board, so now all the boards go up to the middle peak.  The peak will be filled in in the spring.  It looks so sharp.

And we had time to even go to the south face and do some complicated cut outs of the gas meter.  That was fiddly.  We got three rows installed.
But the highlight of the day was that we finally finished going through the first bundle of boards!  Half way there.

Then it was time on Sunday at noon to head to the lake to close up the cabin.  Gee, the chores never end!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

And now the west face

So this weekend we tackled the west face--which includes cutting around the door and window.  But because the weather was wet on Saturday, we spent most of the day fiddling with the heater--getting it connected, wired, and up and running.  And aside from that slight wiring issue that caused the breaker to blow because the wrong white and black wires were crossed (!), we now have heat.  Then the sun came out so we headed outside to start the boards.

A few rows of starting boards (and we have to cut two boards on each row), we hit the window and then measured 8 boards to go from the window to the edge.  That went pretty quickly and used up a lot of boards.  Then we nailed.  Got a good rhythm going--cut them all, then move the gecko gauges, then silicon, and level, then nail.  Repeat as needed.  Then we did the other side of the window to the door.

After that, it was the little strip beside the door and edge--about 10 3/4" long.  And then the board spanning on top of the door.  Let's not forget the drip edge. And believe it or not, all the boards lined up!  It looks so sharp to see blue boards instead of tyvek.

We Reached the Summit!

This post is about last weekend (Sept 27).  We reached the summit of the north face!  It took all weekend but at 7:50 p.m. on Sunday night, we airnailed the last board.  Boy, does its get dark at 6:30, so we were nailing in the dark but the street lights sure helped.

We measured, cut, levelled, and nailed.  And made a huge dent in the pile of boards in the garage.  It took three boards per row, and we had 22 rows--so 66 boards up on the wall.

We crested the fence at 11:35 a.m. on Saturday morning.  And kept going.  Had to add the white board at the top, and then cut the blue board to fit it, but we made it.