Monday, March 23, 2015

West Wall Almost Done

You may have noticed a delay since the last post--say, four weeks?  That is because we were away in South America for three weeks, and then took last week off to recover.  We had a fabulous time--I will admit it was very nice not working on the garage every weekend--instead we took a cruise around the tip of South America, explored Buenos Aires and Santiago, saw penguins, and drank really good wine.  Now, back to reality.  Sigh.

So on Saturday we finished off the south face with drywall--just had three boards along the bottom, and had to cut out around the electrical panel.

Then on Sunday, we tackled the west wall.  Had to move the bench of tools, insert the remaining insulation, and then put poly up.

Rob is holding the last sheet off drywall to come off the drywall pile that was dropped there in late fall/early winter.  We had to go through about 25 sheets.  Yay--nice to have that off the floor.

Still have to do three more panels, but the next panel is tricky with a window cut-out, and a plug-in cut-out, as well as cutting out around the light switches, alarm panel, thermostat, and garage door opener.  We'll save that for the next time.  Oh, and we also snow cleared about 10cm of snow that fell--I kept popping out to do about 20 minutes of shovelling at a time, in between drywall panel installation.  Yes, the day before was the first day of spring.