Sunday, November 15, 2015

The garage is painted--can we call it done??!!!

Our hard working mudder/painter Darryl kept going all this week and each day was one step closer to being finished.   A bit more mud, tape, more mud, sanding, etc.  Then it was time for the first coat of primer on Thursday.  Good thing Rob was up in town, as Darryl was running out of primer and Rob had to do a Home Depot run to get more. Then Friday was the final coat of paint and then Rob and Darryl cleaned the floor--and I did a run to the Co-op to get a rubber squeegee so they could wash the water the out. And Saturday afternoon (as we were prepping for a big dinner party), Darryl comes back to install the rubber baseboards.  The place looks sharp.

And as we did three years ago when we got the garage enclosed, we had to christen the garage--back then, our dinner guests sabered bottles of champagne.  This year, totally spontaneous, our friend Herb sabered a big corked bottle of beer.  Spectacular!!!!!

Rob had to leave back for Regina so we couldn't start moving stuff back in.  The stuff is still under a tarp in the backyard and luckily we have had no snow, so nothing is buried yet.  Soon though.

Inventory of what's left on Monster Garage:  get shelving and racking; move stuff off the lawn; move stuff out of the shed on the deck; move stuff out of the workshop; put trim around the window and door... and finally... enjoy a job well done!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A little mud and a little tape

So now with the drywall all installed, we needed someone to mud, tape, prime, and paint.  I convinced Rob that we were the ones NOT to do that.  It would take us another 5 years.  Luckily, the same friend that gave us the contact name for the shingler, had a guy who does mudding and taping. We connected with Darryl and he came over a few weeks ago to look at the garage during the week--which meant Rob had to dial in to walk Darryl through the inspection!  I'll admit some of our drywall installation led to gaps and imperfections, but nothing a little tape and mud can't hide. Darryl looked it over, gave a quote and done!

Well not exactly done.  A few days after the site visit we went to California for a week (Rob had been invited to speak at Stanford on his P3 project and I ran a half marathon in LA), which meant the garage had to wait.

So we got back on October 31 and spent four hours on that Saturday emptying the garage of all the wood scraps, left over hardy plank, tools, tires, bikes, mowers, more wood scraps, and ladders.  Brilliantly, Rob had posted on Kijiji that morning that we had free scraps of drywall to give away, first come first serve and get them now.  Well within 10 minutes, he had four emails, and the scraps were gone within the hour--which meant, we didn't have to move them!

Then Darryl came on Sunday Nov 1 to meet Rob, go over details, and move some tools in.  He came back later for about 4 hours, and has been back every night this week.  He estimates he will have it muddled, taped, primed, and painted by the weekend!  Sweet!!!!!

p.s.  did I mention that we got the electrical deficiencies cleared?  So all approved now.  Yay!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Another Milestone!

I can't believe it!  Another milestone has snuck up on us.  We finished the drywall installation.  Go figure. 

So on Saturday, we did some errand running, and then started drywall on the east wall--the drywall on either side of the big garage door and above it.  That sure looks good.

Then on Sunday, after coffee and breakfast and reading the Globe, out we headed again.  Gee, this is so automatic, yet drudgery at the same time.  We tackled the west wall, so sheets around the window and around all the switches and alarms and openers.

So at 5:45 p.m., the final drywall screw went in.  And then we put all the stuff back.  Looks sharp!  Now we just need to find a mudder-taper-painter to finish it up.    Gee, what will we do next weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What is this vision I see before me?

Could it be... could it... it is... it is the final building permit sign-off.  We have closed the building permit.  This marks the official end of Monster Garage. 

But... and that's a big but... we still have to close-off the electrical permit.  And then finish the drywall installation.  And then hire someone to tape, mud and paint it.  And then we have to move all the stuff into it.

But for now, I'm going to enjoy the moment.  The work we finished up on Saturday lead to this closure, but it feels so anticlimactic.  Like the end snuck up on us after so many endless weekend of work.  It will be nice to be like other couples and not have to do construction chores every weekend.  Oh, to lie on the couch and read a book. 

Now that's a vision!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Last Spike!

This weekend was full of excitement! This was the weekend that we would finish the exterior siding... I could feel it.   But let me back up.

Last week, we had the electrical inspector (Joey) out to inspect our wiring.  I met him on site, and then we called Rob in Regina a few times to clarify things. Overall, Joey was satisfied with what we had done... but there were a few deficiencies we had to clear up, and then he would close off the permit.  The issues--need to install a bushing grommet in the wire coming into the breaker box, strip off the insulation on the wire in the box, cover the wires below the box, and put insulation putty in and outside the conduit.

So we set aside Saturday to work on the exterior--finishing one board on the east face and six rows on the west face, in order to get that done and then have the building inspector out to close off that permit.  So Saturday was a beautiful fall day, and Rob finally nailed the final spike... I mean nail on the east face!!!

Then we moved to the west face.  The six rows took about 3 hours.  Ta dah!  A garage finally with real siding instead of Tyvec siding!.

Then on Sunday, Rob addressed the deficiencies, and I did insulation on the final wall we had left.

Now we just have to find a drywaller to mud and tape and paint the inside.  Then... we move all the stuff in--hope it all fits!

(photos to come once Blogger gets working again)

Monday, September 7, 2015

The electrical is done! The electrical is done!

Are you sitting down?  Brace yourself... today we finished the electrical wiring of the garage!!!!  Yay team!  Rob finished up with the breaker box--look how shiny and nicely labelled it is (I did the labelling).

And the special welder and heater plugs:

One of the outside plugs:
Rob finishing up another plug:


And finally, the light switches, thermostat, garage door opener, and alarm panel:

So now we will call the electrical inspector, who will come out, and hopefully close the electrical permit on Monster Garage.  Which means...we only have to finish up the six remaining rows of siding, and then we can close off the building permit. (we still have about three sheets of drywall to put up inside, and then have someone else mud and tape it--and then... then.... Monster Garage is officially done!!). I can't believe it...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

East Face--one board away; West Face Started

Because Saturday was rather cold and blustery, we worked inside on the electrical.  We got five plugs installed and electricity to them.  So nice to use  them as plugs finally.
Then on Sunday we finished the four rows of blue boards on the east face--and would have inserted the triangle piece at the top, but we didn't have the right airnailer with us.  Darn.

And then we moved to the west face and got the gutter strip, spacer boards, and three rows of blue boards installed.  Only six note rows to go!

July 19th post

Okay, better late than never.  In July we finished most of the blue boards on the east face.  We ran out of time with four rows remaining.  Oh so close!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Okay, we've been slacking!

Well, not exactly.  While we haven't exactly been MG fiends, we have been doing renos at the Regina condo and at the lake.  Gotta spread it around you know!

But two weekends ago, we were in Saskatoon and attacked the east face.  We put in the three lights, their bracing boards, and their drip edges.  And then we did the white boards to frame the peak.  All that took two days.
So this coming weekend, we are going to do the grey boards, with the fussy mitre cuts.  Rob has ordered special blue caulking that matches the boards, to cover the edges.  However, if it rains, we will go inside the garage and finish the drywall and electrical.  How nice to have options!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

West Wall Almost Done

You may have noticed a delay since the last post--say, four weeks?  That is because we were away in South America for three weeks, and then took last week off to recover.  We had a fabulous time--I will admit it was very nice not working on the garage every weekend--instead we took a cruise around the tip of South America, explored Buenos Aires and Santiago, saw penguins, and drank really good wine.  Now, back to reality.  Sigh.

So on Saturday we finished off the south face with drywall--just had three boards along the bottom, and had to cut out around the electrical panel.

Then on Sunday, we tackled the west wall.  Had to move the bench of tools, insert the remaining insulation, and then put poly up.

Rob is holding the last sheet off drywall to come off the drywall pile that was dropped there in late fall/early winter.  We had to go through about 25 sheets.  Yay--nice to have that off the floor.

Still have to do three more panels, but the next panel is tricky with a window cut-out, and a plug-in cut-out, as well as cutting out around the light switches, alarm panel, thermostat, and garage door opener.  We'll save that for the next time.  Oh, and we also snow cleared about 10cm of snow that fell--I kept popping out to do about 20 minutes of shovelling at a time, in between drywall panel installation.  Yes, the day before was the first day of spring.