Monday, July 9, 2012

152 Pieces of Rebar

Yes, that's how I spent my Saturday--moving and counting 152 pieces of rebar Rob had in the backyard.  Oh, and
I sorted them by thickness.  Four different types.  And then length--some were 6 feet long, others were 20 feet long.  Now that the rebar is all laid out nicely, we will spend this coming weekend tying the rebar for the garage concrete pad.  Rob is trying to woo me to help and says it's like weaving or crocheting with metal--nice try!

We did do other Monster Garage activities:  Rob cut a fence panel in half and made a gate on the side of the yard.  This will be used to bring our truck into the yard for the winter (and it will also be used for the bobcat guy and concrete guy to gain access to the yard this summer).  He also put down railway ties to contain the gravel.  This involved a few trips to the hardware store for more wood and supplies. 

We also grubbed the side of the yard--clearing all the roots, bushes, and overhanging bushes in the way of construction.  So on Friday, the bobcat guy will arrive to break up the old concrete pad and haul that away, dig away the dirt to level the site, and bring in some lifts (layers) of gravel and then compact it.  This becomes the base for the rebar, and then the concrete on top. 

I feel we are so close!

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