Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reaching the first stage of closure

Last weekend certainly had its challenges, but this weekend went a lot better.  We achieved closure (literally and figuratively!).  We filled in the gaps along the sides of the garage:

And then we filled in the roof:

Yay!  This is a very good thing, as we have the City building inspector coming on Monday, so we had better have the garage all closed in.  What a relief!.  And then, the final symbolic step, we cut off the stabilizing board at the bottom of the threshold of the door.  It's like a normal door opening now.

The garage is beautiful.

We finished at 2:00 on Sunday afternoon.  It seemed odd to finish while it was still daylight outside.  It just seemed wrong to finish so early.  So we didn't.  We laid down 8 paving stones to re-install part of the path, and add new stones to the garage--they made it with one inch to spare to the garage slab.  Wow.

Then Monday I meet the inspector on site.  She had some things she needed us to do, but minor in nature and things we can do this weekend.  And it also meant that we could still have the shingler come out this week.  So I come home on Tuesday night,and lo and behold, we have bundles on the roof:

And  roof vents cut out:

Unfortunately the forecast calls for rain tomorrow, so we are on hold for shingle installation.  But sunny on Thursday and Friday.  Whew!  One step closer....

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