Monday, December 29, 2014

Drywall Cometh

Today was drywall delivery day.  Rob had ordered all the garage wall drywall and since we are home on holidays, we can await its arrival.  Again, like last time , they said they would call before they arrived but I knew they wouldn't (like last time). So we (me) were up at 7:00 in case they came at 8:00.  I even hopped into my ski pants at 8:00 so I'd be ready.  The truck rolled up at 9:30, so at least it was light outside (and warmer than yesterday--yesterday was minus 30 with who knows how much wind chill; today was a balmy minus 24).

It was our buddy Gavin from the last delivery that came.  He was a great guy.  He drove the 25 drywall sheets over to the garage from across the street (with Rob ready to stop traffic, but they stopped on their own), and somehow he and Rob got them onto a pallet and then pallet-jacked it into position at the front of the garage (as these sheets will be living with us for awhile before getting installed, we want them out of the parking zone).  Then they had to find some other pallets and wood to put under the two ends so they didn't droop.  I missed all this, as I was guarding Rob's running car (his car is a tad fussy, so has to be warmed up before being turned off and he didn't have a spare key, so left it unlocked and running on the street).

And as you can see in the last three photos below, we can park all cars in the garage with the drywall, and Rob has about six inches at the front of the pile and six inches from the door to park!  Just made it.

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