Friday, February 13, 2015

South Wall Almost Done

This past Saturday, it was the time to do the vapour barrier and drywall on the south wall.  We got off to a slow start on Saturday (as we usually do!). I did a long run on the treadmill and Rob got his haircut and found a part for my car. You see, it was minus 5000 degrees here last week, but a warming trend to minus 20 was in sight, so that's when everyone rushes out to wash the grime from the last snow melt phase so when you brush past your car, you don't get covered in dirt.  So I waited in line for 15 minutes--which isn't bad, went through the giant fog of the car wash, and came out.  Well, instantly any left over water froze, but I was heading home to a warm garage, so that's okay.  However, the fan on the heater started spluttering--it spluttered at levels 1 and 2, but was fine at 3 and 4.  So I kept it on high til I got home and then 1 and 2 just didn't work any more.  Not good, but at least I have heat.  So Rob gets home and goggles the symptoms and finds a three minute YouTube video, then googles the part, and it's in stock here in town--a $30 fix by him instead of a $100 fix by the dealership.  So easy to fix, he tells me, that even I could do it...

Oh, but back to drywall.  So we do the poly, then the black goop sealant at the bottom, and get a few boards up, and then it's time to go for dinner.  On Sunday, fix the car, put some more boards up, and then Rob discovers he needs some sort of electrical outlet box.  So off he goes to Home Depot.  So by the time he gets back and we finish, we only had time to get six boards up in total.  Not bad.

Oh, so close to being done!

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