Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It feels warmer now that the walls are enclosed!

Sometimes, in the hurly burly of Monster Garage building, one has to take time to appreciate some magic moments.  As you will recall from the previous blog, the trusses weren't coming until Saturday morning...7:00 a.m.  So I'm out on the deck at 6:50 a.m., ready for delivery, and the truck pulls in across the street...and right above it in the beautiful sunrise, was a hot air balloon cruising by.  Magical!

If you look real close, the truss truck is right under the balloon on the street.
 And now back to business.  The truck pulls into the alley, and the driver decides that he can't pull onto the concrete pad to drop the trusses due to cable and phone wires too close to his lift.  So he does a tricky maneuver in the alley--undoes the straps, lifts the truck bed, and jerks forward with the truck so the trusses slide off.  Pretty slick:

Ta dah! But since this wasn't truss install weekend, we dashed off to Home Depot to order the window and man door (15% off sale) and buy 30 pieces of plywood for the sheathing. That was fun loading the cart, and then loading onto the truck.  So here is our first panel going up:

The upper row took forever, as we had to install a bracing block for under each panel to hold in place while we nailed, make sure it was the right height, then carry each board off the truck, Rob runs up the ladder, and he and I huft the panel into place over our heads. Then we move the ladder, reload the air nailer, more measuring, etc--for every panel. The second, lower row, went a lot faster, but this north wall took us all day Saturday to do.

So on Sunday, we worked on the south wall and the west wall.  Still took all day.  Looks great though!

And then we still had to make the framing board for the natural gas connection on the south side (board, aluminum sheeting cut to wrap around the board,Tyvek (borrowed from my crafting stash--do you know you can heat Tyvek with a heat gun and it does some funky melting), bracing boards on the back). Very fiddly. Finished at 8:00 p.m.--another 12 hour day. But good thing we did it, because on Monday, SaskEnergy came by to pre-install the bracket for the natural gas meter (we didn't think they were coming to pre-install, but just inspect prior to next week, so good thing we got it done!).

Though why do we need to heat the garage, as it feels so much warmer now that we have the sheathing on!  Oh, we need a roof--that's next week!

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